There are bugs, people. Lots of bugs to squash in my new site. Such as? My damn pictures are showing up as red x's, I haven't a clue as how to import comments over from Haloscan, I want to add things to my sidebar (Flickr badge and such) blah and gah. Really though, I am totally loving the simplicity and pretty baby blue color, aren't you?
Mr. JuJu's best friend is in town with his wife this weekend, so we get to meet them for dinner this evening and pretend that we are social creatures. This friend was the best man in our wedding and it will be nice to see them. Maybe I will take the camera...
BabyJuJu is crying, I will go rescue Mr. JuJu (who, by the way? Let me sleep on the couch all night long with no baby to pacify, god love him) from the fussy girl.