You know, sometimes I forget that I actually PAY to have this fucking site. I should maybe, I don't know...update the thing once in awhile. I can't use a lack of content as an excuse for not writing, mostly I don't write because that when I DO have a few minutes to myself, I'd much rather zone out and see what YOU all are up to, rather than have to use both hands and tell you about what is going on in my life. Also? Where the hell to begin? Also? My language has not improved by a goddamned long shot.
So, I guess I'll fill you in a bit about my work situation and try to be all cryptic about it, because I never know who reads here and I never tell people at work about this site, but you know...people aren't dumb. Okay, MOST people aren't dumb. I do work with a few who might be a few cards short of a full deck (you know who you are) but still. Where was I?
I have been working for a company since last October, a well known company that sells skincare and cosmetics and some fragrances and other things. I am a consultant for this company and I am also working for a particular vendor who houses my particular company's counter. Got that? I work for two different places at once, basically. So, not long ago I heard about a DIFFERENT vendor who had an opening for the same position at the same counter in another location. This was AWESOME because the place was less than HALF of the distance from my house and the pay was better and the store was way busier and the clientele was probably willing to spend way more on my products and also? A real weekend off every third week. Like: Friday, Saturday AND Sunday off. And they really wanted me.
HELLO? What's the problem here?
I don't like to piss people off, I don't like to make waves. I once dated a guy that I hated for about two months longer than I should have because I didn't have the heart to hurt his feelings and dump his sorry ass.
Anyway, I finally got the ball rolling, a week later was able to put in my two weeks, and my last day is Friday the 13th!
Yay and good for me. Yada Yada Yada.
During this time, I also had been in for my yearly pap test. I told the doctor that under no uncertain terms was I wanting to be pregnant again, could we pretty please with a cherry on top schedule a tubal ligation for me? Please, huh, please, pretty please?
She said yes. There are quite a few people out there who have very strong opinions about the choices that people make in their own personal lives. Did you know this? Yes, you did? Really? Because I wasn't aware. I was told that it was stupid of me to get a tubal when it would be so much easier for my husband to have his nether regions undone. I was told I would regret it (most of this was told to me by one of those short card deck chicks from work) and that if THEY were me, they'd never do it.
Heh. Guess what? You're not me (thank god!) and I don't give a shit what you think. Neener neener neener.
I decided to move forward with my tubal for one reason only. I KNOW in my deepest heart of hearts that I am DONE having babies. Say I walked out into the street tomorrow and was struck dead by a bus. Say my husband falls in love and remarries, say he and his wife decide to have more children (good luck with that, sweetie!) and what if his plumbing was not all connected!? I would be soo very sad. I KNOW I am done. I cannot speak for what the futuremight hold for my husband, therefore....I have the tubal done. That's that.
Now, as plans are in place to have my tubal done on Monday, June 2nd, my pap comes back with bad news. Again.
Severe Dysplasia. Again. That means that I have some mean and angry cells in my cervix that might want to hurt me, might want to really hurt me bad. So we added a LEEP procedure to my surgery and called it a day. No more angry cells threatening to give me cancer, no more Fertile Myrtle, no more birth control pills giving me kidney stones (oh yeah, did I mention that the stones were caused by my taking YAZ birth control which contains a diuretic?) and viola. Life will be good...or at least better.
I had my surgery on Monday, all went well, I go back to work tonight, and life goes on.
That's what is new.
Go....take a break from this book you've read and please...if you have Yaz in your medicine cabinet, and are prone to kidney stones, go forth and burn them. Then drive your car over them, and then drive them to the dump and chuck them hard and far. Thank me later.
I'm not proofreading this, so thanks for hanging in there if you got this far.