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Hazel Hazel

I feel for ya. But, I wish I had that problem (too much travelling and too much company.)


Canada, eh? Well, if you are in Southern Ontario, let me know! We'd be happy to have company! (You like sleeping in a tent in the backyard, right? Your baby girl I'll steal to sleep inside with me...I'll trade you for one of the boyz)...


"Learning to make chicken".... that will come in very handy when he learns how to turn the oven on!
I LUV it!


i will soooo babysit, can we arrange this?


Yay! The boys can cook for themselves while I'm gone :-) I give you a ton of credit, Ju. I'm having a heluva time packing for just myself :-Þ By the way, you have a typo in line three of paragraph 3.
I'll have Tammy meet you here on Friday night, she can ride home with you and babysit on Saturday. She'll find her way back... I'd leave my kids with her before I'd leave them with Martha ;-) Love you Tam!


I always find it useful to think there must be someone out there worse than me.

So next time you pack, think of some poor bas&^%! who goes to China once a month for two weeks at a time....

Abby (ctmommie)

How cute! Sounds like August will be lazy for you....you'll need the down time by then! We are trying to plan some trips as well....inexpensive ones that dont require a lot of packing. My daughters still in that stage where shes okay to take places but still requires a lof of sh** I mean stuff to go along with her. I prefer to stay close to home anyway...Abby


So, when I read the aside, I read "...making a book about Batman and Martha Stewart..." and I thought, "hey, what an unusual but cool combination of superheroes".

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