Blog? Huh?
What is this "blog" term you use?
Well I've been busy. That's a lie, no I haven't. I've been, how you say...avoiding this area. Because I got nothing. That's a lie too. I've got stuff. Things have been happening, people have been visiting, children have been saying and doing funny and noteworthy things. I just can't seem to find any sort of way to straighten my brain out enough to put any of it in written form.
Except yesterday (and today) something happened! My brain shifted into do something mode and then I did stuff! Stuff I have been avoiding for months, like putting away Christmas things that were in random piles in the basement, and hanging up clean laundry, and you know it was like I got my groove that Stella chick. Only I'm white and I didn't sleep with guy who was young enough to be my child. So, maybe notsomuch like the Stella chick, but groovin nonetheless. Shut up.
I'm feeling like a "Doer" today instead of a "Watcher". If you are a fan of Grey's Anatomy (and if you aren't? You have to become a fan, immediately, or you are just plain stupid, yes I said stupid) then you will understand what I mean, well, not exactly in the "Doer" sense of "doing" someONE, but in the sense of doing someTHING. Lots of someTHINGS actually. Uhm, ok. I sense that I may be rambling on a bit. I digress.
I hope that you and your schmoopies out there have a wonderful Valentine's Day. I will be home with the kiddos as my husband is traveling for a road game. BooHoo...poor me. I will be accepting gifts and donations in various forms of wine and chocolate. I have to romance someone on Hallmark's biggest scheme ever, may as well be myself !!
Have a great Valentines Day, you doer!
Posted by: Chris | Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 09:48 AM
Don't feel bad doll, my Valentine's Day will be spent taking the boys to swimming lessons...ah romance! At least Phoenix gave me a Transformers valentine this morning:)
Posted by: Shann | Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 10:26 AM
Happy Valentine's Day! I wish I could become a doer since I have so much to do before this kid gets here.
Posted by: Amanda | Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 11:11 AM
Happy Valentine's Day to you and all your sweet valentines at your home. Share hugs all 'round! Even if some are delayed due to road travel, they shall be none the less sweeter!
Posted by: Mellie Helen | Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 11:21 AM
Please don't tell me I have to resort to television viewing to overcome the un-DO-ing effects of the NyQuil I was growing so fond of...
Happy Valentine's Day!
Posted by: Stupid Mom | Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 04:44 PM
Happy Valentines Day! You and JuJu will just have to celebrate a few days late. And if you lived closer I would offer to babysit.
Thank you for the pictures, that made my valentines day.
Posted by: JoJo | Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 09:48 PM
I just got into Greys Anatomy about a month ago. Why haven't I been watching this show all along? It actually makes me laugh out loud...great great show!
Posted by: Heather | Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 10:53 AM