Holy bejezus, I cannot believe that you are four months old. I am actually slacking something fierce here since you turned four months old two days ago, but what do you care really? All you care about is shoving fists into your mouth and making mommy's arms weak and tired from all of the carrying you around.
We had a break through last Thursday. I was afraid that the mystery illness that has been plaguing mommy was going to show up again on Friday (it didn't!) so I decided that we had better get out and buy your big brother some school shoes and a back pack before I ran out of time. I prepared myself mentally for the trip to the mall. You see, the reason I need to prepare my mind was because you have a new trick. Your new trick involves screaming as soon as mommy puts you into the car. You then continue to scream until we reach our destination and are unstrapped and freed from your own personal little car seat hell. So you can see why I have to "prepare". This screaming continues in public because you are still in your carrier attached to the stroller. You seem to think that being in your carrier is some sort of assault on your independence. Need I remind you that you are four months old and that you have not earned independence? Someday you will be disappointed in yourself for not taking advantage of the laziness you are afforded right now.
Back to the point. We got in the car to head to the mall and you did not cry. YOU DID NOT CRY. We went inside the mall and you continued to not cry. We bought what we needed, we got back in the car and you still did not cry. You didn't even fuss until we were within minutes of home. I was so proud of you. You have been a damn happy baby since that day. Believe me, I was beginning to worry that you were the grumpiest baby on the planet and we were doomed to endure your screams of defiance for the rest of our days.
You are really such a happy baby (when you are happy). You smile with your whole body. When mommy or daddy, or especially your big brother look at you and say something, anything, your whole being lights up brighter than a thousand suns and you scrunch your whole little body up into a squealy smile. You half-laugh when I hold you above my head (thanks for not spitting up in my mouth, I do appreciate it) or when I get close to you and tell you that "I'm gonna getcha". You love to lay on the floor and play with your toys, or rather just look at them as I hold them above you and shake them. Just minor details, really.
The thing I am loving most about you this month is that I seem to have figured you out just alittle bit more. I've learned that when you are tired and you start to claw at your face and rub your eyes, that means that you want to be laid down in your bassinet and left alone. I can totally deal with this. You get lonely very easily, and as long as I talk to you alot while you are swinging in your swing or playing in your bouncy seat, you will be happy. You like attention, and I'm more than happy to give it to you. Just maybe let me pee when I have to pee, deal?
Also? You finally fit into all of your millions of cute clothes. Having a girl is so much fun. I love you, Pumpkin.
I love the 'whole body smile' thing. And just so you know, you spit up in my mouth when you were about that age. Thanks.
Posted by: The Greatest Aunt | Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 03:58 PM
My babe hates the carrier too. She just screams until I get her out and put her in this http://www.infantino.com/IEIndex.html I so recommend it for shopping! I am also going to jail for hanging her on the back of the door while I sleep....
Posted by: kirsten | Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 03:41 AM